A love like no other
Jhon Lewis
Comunicación y Medios
3ro. semestre
Guionismo Creativo
Descripción de la obra
As a young boy, scared to face his fears of rejection, he pushes himself to ask out the love of his life, a foreign exchange girl that moved to his city. But during this course of self development, he stumbles over a few roadblocks that push him back. He fights his heart out thinking that he won’t win, but little does he know his success lies at his door.
Especificaciones técnicas
Cortometraje / Guion Cinematográfico
Archivo: PDF
Hojas: 5
Enfoque de: Fe / Negocios / Entorno / Investigación
Entorno. Describe situaciones que conllevan a analizar situaciones cotidianas.
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